Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2013. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of generalized Oakland County community master plans. These polygons were digitized from each of Oakland's 62 community's future land use map in their master plan. The data was completed in March of 2006 and will be updated as each community amends their plan. The key attribute is Composite Plan representing generalized, countywide future land uses.
Description: A spatial representation of potential natural areas. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from data developed for the 2004 Oakland County Natural Areas Report update. Each feature was assigned a priority of One, Two, or Three. Digital Landcover, orthophotography, and USGS quadrangle maps were the main sources used to identify each natural area. The data from the Oakland County Natural Areas update project was collected in 2004. Key attributes include Priority and TotalScore. "Priority" is a reflection of quality and indicates the level of priority to retain or conserve the natural state of the identified area.
Description: The LandUseAndCover2000 dataset was adjusted from data obtained from SEMCOG in February 2004. The ArcInfo export file (.e00) obtained was converted to an ArcInfo coverage format. The resulting coverage was adjusted (i.e., reprojected) to match the spatial projection for Oakland County data and imported into a personal geodatabase polygon feature class. Only extraneous fields inherent to importing data from an ArcInfo coverage were deleted. The Michigan Resource Inventory Program (P.A. 204, 1979) requires that a Current Use Inventory of Michigan land and water resources be compiled and updated at least every 5 years. These updates serve to locate the changes in land use and can be effective tools for monitoring the implementation of local land use plans and overall growth patterns. Key attributes include: Land00, GeneralCode, Name, and Acres. Please see the original metadata document for additional information.
Description: This polygon feature class represents the spatial extent of surficial geology deposits, glacial and sub-glacial drainage, and historical glacial lake shoreline areas in Oakland County. These features were captured using a combination of a surface TIN derived from 10-foot contours and a detailed original map of Oakland County surficial geology by Twenter and Knutilla, 1972. Polygons were delineated on a hard-copy map by John Zawiskie, Cranbrook geologist. The map was then scanned and registered to Oakland County GIS data. The polygons were digitized on-screen. Data was collected at approximately 1:1200; however the original map was produced at a countywide scale. The key attribute is the geologic sediment type.
Description: The downloaded SSURGO data included an ArcGIS Shapefile of the soil type features for Oakland County, tabular data in text file format, and an empty pre-formatted Microsoft Access database containing queries, macros and reports. The Shapefile was intially projected in State Plane Michigan South Meters NAD 83, but was then reprojected by Oakland County staff to State Plane Michigan South International Feet NAD 83. The USDA-NRCS provided instructions for automatically importing the tabular text files into the Microsoft Access database. The Soil feature class in SDE contains a tesalating polygon surface of soil types throughout the County.
Description: The RegionalPresettlementVegetation is land use circa 1800. It is a statewide database for Michigan based on original surveyors tree data and descriptions of the vegetation and land between 1816 and 1856. This polygon feature class was adjusted from a shapefile downloaded in 2000, from the State of Michigan's Online Geographic Data Library ( The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is the publisher of the data. The feature class was reprojected and then clipped to Oakland County's extent. Some attributes were removed from the data. The original data was published in 1978 by the State of Michigan. The scale of the data collection is unknown. The key attributes include: COVERTYPE, LEGCODE and VEGCODE.
Description: The NationalWetlandsInventory digital data files are records of wetlands location and classification as defined by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. This polygon feature class was adjusted from a shapefile downloaded in 2001 from the State of Michigan's Online Geographic Data Library ( The feature class was reprojected from its original projection, and some of the atttributes were removed. The original data was published from 1979-1994, and was collected at the same scale as the USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps. The key attributes include: ACRES, NWICODE, SYSTEM, CLASS, WATER, and SUBCLASS.
Description: Watershed is a spatial representation of watersheds in Oakland County. Though the watersheds extend beyond the county boundary, they are clipped to the follow the boundary. This polygon feature class was created by using DEMs. Different cell sizes were used for different watersheds.