Description: A spatial representation of a subset of parcel features that contain special use characteristics. This polygon feature class is maintained in a geodatabase using topology with the TaxParcel feature class. The key attribute is AccessType, which describes the type of access (Prescriptive, Dedicated, or Private) on the feature.
Description: A spatial representation of municipal boundaries. This polygon feature class was derived from the 1998 Parcel polygon feature class and was based on a common city/village/township (CVT) code as maintained in the Oakland County Land Records database. Key attributes include the Name (CVT name) and Type (CVT type: city, village, general law township, charter township), and SquareMiles (area of each CVT). In addition, state, county and municipal FIPS codes are included.
Description: The NationalWetlandsInventory digital data files are records of wetlands location and classification as defined by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. This polygon feature class was adjusted from a shapefile downloaded in 2001 from the State of Michigan's Online Geographic Data Library ( The feature class was reprojected from its original projection, and some of the atttributes were removed. The original data was published from 1979-1994, and was collected at the same scale as the USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps. The key attributes include: ACRES, NWICODE, SYSTEM, CLASS, WATER, and SUBCLASS.
Description: The downloaded SSURGO data included an ArcGIS Shapefile of the soil type features for Oakland County, tabular data in text file format, and an empty pre-formatted Microsoft Access database containing queries, macros and reports. The Shapefile was intially projected in State Plane Michigan South Meters NAD 83, but was then reprojected by Oakland County staff to State Plane Michigan South International Feet NAD 83. The USDA-NRCS provided instructions for automatically importing the tabular text files into the Microsoft Access database. The key attribute of this feature class is the map unit key (MUSYM field), which relates the polygon features to the SoilAttribute table stored within SDE. The related SoilAttribute table in SDE contains some of the tabular data which was initially imported into the aforementioned Microsoft Access database.
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