Description: A spatial representation of government facilities. This point feature class was created by geocoding the facility address, as provided by various sources, to Oakland County's Road Centerline feature class. The resulting points were then georeferenced to the facility structure using Oakland County's 2002 orthoimagery at a reference scale of 1:1200. The key attributes include the facility Name, Address, and Type (Administrative, Police, Fire, etc.).
Description: This point feature class was geocoded from a text file downloaded from the Michigan Department of Human Services Services (DHS) on April 20, 2010. Each point represents the spatial location of adult foster care facilities in Oakland County. This feature class will be used in support of Emergency Response and Preparedness (ERP). This feature class contains only the unique ID (LicenseNumber) that is used to relate this feature class to the associated object class containing the remaining attribute information. To create this feature class, the following process was used: a text file was downloaded from the DHS Web site (,1607,7-124-5455_27716_27717-82231--,00.html) on April 20, 2010. The text file was imported into Access. A copy of the table was made for geocoding puposes, and some of the attributes changed to get a better hit rate when geocoding (e.g., the zip codes were changed to 5 digit numbers, and obvious spelling errors in the road names were fixed). The table was first geocoded to parcel centers, then geocoded to the road centerline. Point features from the previous feature class were copied over for some of remaining unmatched addresses. Of the 577 records, 572 (99%) of them were geocoded using one of these methods. DHS's list of adult care facilities updated on a daily basis. Oakland County plans to update their geocoded file on a yearly basis.
Description: This point feature class was geocoded from a text file downloaded from the Michigan Human Services Department (DHS) on April 20, 2010. Each point represents the spatial location of day care facilities in Oakland County. This feature class contains only the unique ID (LicenseNumber) that is used to relate this feature class to the associated object class containing the remaining attribute information. To create this feature class, the following process was used: a text file was downloaded from the DHS Web site (,1607,7-124-5455_27716_27718-82321--,00.html) on April 20, 2010. The text file was imported into Access. A copy of the table was made for geocoding puposes, and some of the attributes changed to get a better hit rate when geocoding (e.g., the zip codes were changed to 5 digit numbers, and obvious spelling errors in the road names were fixed). The table was first geocoded to parcel centers, then geocoded to the road centerline. Point features from the previous feature class were copied over for some of remaining unmatched addresses. Of the 1208 records, 1201 (99%) of them geocoded using one of these methods. DHS's list of day care facilities is updated on a daily basis. Oakland County plans to update their geocoded file on a yearly basis.
Description: This is a spatial representation of high density housing complexes such as apartments. The source of the data was the landfile data warehouse. Information was queried and extracted based on the landfile AI (apartment improved) use code. A point feature was created using the centroid of the parcel. The initial theme was created in fall of 2002. The scale was based on Oakland County's enterprise data. Key attributes are Name, Address, and LocationMethod.
Description: This feature class represents the location of recreational facilities (such as shopping centers, malls, hotels, and large entertainment venues) in Oakland County using a point feature. The data was created by geocoding to parcels a list compiled from the Oakland County Emergency Preparedness and Response Division using the address information provided in the list. The list was compiled in May 2002 and has not been updated since. Key attributes include name and address for each facility.
Description: This point feature class was geocoded from a excel file downloaded from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in March, 2016. Each point represents a location of a leaking underground storage tank (LUST). Not all of the records were able to be add to this feature class because of outdated information in the DEQ’s files.This feature class contains only the unique ID (LeakNumber) that is used to relate this feature class to the associated object class containing the remaining attribute informationAdditional information about LUSTs can be found on the DEQ Web site (,1607,7-135-3311_4109_4215---,00.html). "The cleanup activities mandated by Part 213, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, of the National Resources and Environmental Protection Act are basically under the control of the owner/operator. The owners/operators are required to hire Qualified Underground Storage Tank Consultants (QC) to perform corrective actions. The QC must use risk-based corrective action (RBCA) and must submit required reports in the mandated time frames. The Remediation and Redevelopment Division of the DEQ has primarily an audit role, wherein field staff selectively audits reports and conduct field audits." DEQ's updates their list of LUSTs on a daily basis. Oakland County plans to update their geocoded file on a quarterly basis.
Description: This point feature class was geocoded from a excel file downloaded from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on March, 2016. Each point represents a location of an underground storage tank (UST). Not all of the records were able to be add to this feature class because of outdated information in the DEQ’s files.class. This feature class contains only the unique ID (UniqueID) that is used to relate this feature class to the associated object class containing the remaining attribute information. The UniqueID is a combination of the FacilityID and TankID. Additional information about USTs can be found on the DEQ Web site (,1607,7-135-3311_4115_4238---,00.html). "This program includes regulatory activities and oversight of the design, construction, installation and maintenance of underground storage tanks storing regulated substances. The regulatory authority is under Part 211, Underground Storage Tank Regulations, of Act 451 of 1994, as amended, and the Michigan Underground Storage Tank Rules (MUSTR)." DEQ's updates their list of USTs on a daily basis. Oakland County plans to update their geocoded file on a quarterly basis.
Description: A spatial representation of structures where persons of various religious denominations congregate. This point feature class was created using heads up digitizing with Oakland County's 2002 orthoimagery and Road Centerline feature class as a reference.This dataset is not recreated each year. Instead it is verified and updated as necessary. In September, 2016, the existing feature class was compared to outside sources to verify if any updates or edits were necessary. The data was updated on May, 2018, per ad hoc requested by local municipality. The key attributes include the facility Name, Address and Type.
Description: A spatial representation of local grown resources. This point feature class was created in November, 2013, by geocoding the address, as provided by various sources, to Oakland County's Road Centerline feature class. The resulting points were then georeferenced to the facility structure using Oakland County's 2012 orthoimagery at a reference scale of 1:1200. This dataset is not recreated each year. Instead it is verified and updated as necessary. In June, 2017, the existing feature class was compared to outside sources to verify if any updates or edits were necessary. The key attributes include the Name, Address, and Type (Farmer's Market, Honey, Retail, U-Pick, etc.).
Description: This point feature class was created in November, 2013, using a list of fishing locations from the Economic Development & Community Affairs department, as well as additional information from the State of Michigan DNR site. These locations were placed using heads-up digitizing with Oakland County's 2012 orthoimagery, boat launch, road centerlines and water body feature classes as a reference. The key attributes include Waterbody, AccessPoint, AccessFee, AgencyName and fields for the different fish.
Description: The Part 201 Site feature class was adjusted from a shapefile downloaded in June, 2019, from the State of Michigan's Online Geographic Data Library ( point feature class was reprojected and clipped to the regional of Oakland County. The scale of the data collection is unknown. A Part 201 Listed site is a location that has been evaluated and scored by the MDEQ using the Part 201 scoring model. The location is or includes a "facility" as defined by Part 201, where there has been a release of a hazardous substance(s) in excess of the Part 201 residential criteria, and/or where corrective actions have not been completed under Part 201 to meet the applicable cleanup criteria for unrestricted residential use. The Part 201 List does not include all of the sites of contamination that are subject to regulation under Part 201 because owners are not required to inform the MDEQ about the sites and can pursue cleanup independently. Sites of environmental contamination that are not known to MDEQ are not on the list, nor are sites with releases that resulted in low environmental impact.The information provided by this layer is facilities in which latitude and longitude coordinates have been provided and entered into the DEQ database. Facilities identified though a Baseline Environmental Assessment are not included and is highly recommended that persons using this information contact the appropriate Remediation and Redevelopment Division District Office for current information regarding known environmental conditions at any property or location.
Copyright Text: State of Michigan, Departement of Environmental Quality
Description: A spatial representation of Current and Historic Landfill and Facility Sites using points. This data was digitized from a hard copy map dated 1991. This data was also updated and verified in 2007 by Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services. The scale used for the development of the data collection is unknown. The key attributes include the name and type of each facility.
Description: The Park feature class is a point subset of the RecreationLand feature class, extracted in January, 2014,to represent only those lands considered park land. The polygon RecreationLand feature class is a single county wide coverage containing recreation land and educational institution information compiled from several sources including: the State of Michigan, Oakland County Parks & Recreation, Oakland County cities, villages, and townships (CVTs), school districts, and the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority (HCMA). Key attributes include: Name, Agency, Acres, and various activities associated with the feature.