Value: Commercial, including Personal Business and Professional Services Label: Commercial, including Personal Business and Professional Services Description: N/A Symbol:
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2013. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: The LandUseAndCover2000 dataset was adjusted from data obtained from SEMCOG in February 2004. The ArcInfo export file (.e00) obtained was converted to an ArcInfo coverage format. The resulting coverage was adjusted (i.e., reprojected) to match the spatial projection for Oakland County data and imported into a personal geodatabase polygon feature class. Only extraneous fields inherent to importing data from an ArcInfo coverage were deleted. The Michigan Resource Inventory Program (P.A. 204, 1979) requires that a Current Use Inventory of Michigan land and water resources be compiled and updated at least every 5 years. These updates serve to locate the changes in land use and can be effective tools for monitoring the implementation of local land use plans and overall growth patterns. Key attributes include: Land00, GeneralCode, Name, and Acres. Please see the original metadata document for additional information.
Description: A spatial representation of generalized Oakland County community master plans. These polygons were digitized from each of Oakland's 62 community's future land use map in their master plan. The data was completed in March of 2006 and will be updated as each community amends their plan. The key attribute is Composite Plan representing generalized, countywide future land uses.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2014. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2015. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2016. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2017. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2018. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2019. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2020. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2021. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.