Description: A spatial representation of land that is protected from development by a Conservation Easement recorded with the State of Michigan. These points were manually placed to represent the location of a conservation easement using tax parcels and orthophotography as a reference. Each easement location and associated attribute information was found through a recorded document search using Access Oakland. Key attributes include: GrantorName, StartDate, AcresRecorded, Liber, and Page.
Description: A spatial representation of land that is currently protected by a Farmland Development Rights Agreement (commonly known as PA 116) with the State of Michigan. The sites were located by a recorded document search through @ccess Oakland. Polygons were created using parcels as a base when applicapable and by using coordinate geometry to digitize the legal description associated with agreement. The key attributes include the start and end date of the agreement, the name of the initiator, and the liber/page of the recorded document.
Description: The DevelopmentAuthority polygon feature class identifies certain types of entities that encourage development/redevelopment in designated areas. This feature class currently represents Downtown Development Authorities (DDA), Tax Increment Finance Authorities (TIFA), and Local Development Finance Authorities (LDFA); however, it will also depict Corridor Improvement Authorities (CIA) and Brownfield Redevelopment Authorities (BRA) in the future. These five types of authorities have the ability to capture tax increment financing (TIF). The features were digitized using legal descriptions, parcel lists, and maps that were provided to the State of Michigan Office of the Great Seal and/or Oakland County Equalization by the authority. The key attributes are Name (official name of the authority), Type (the type of development authority), and DevelopmentPlan (yes/no indicating if the feature represents an area that is part of a development plan and can caputre tax increment financing).
Description: A spatial representation of a 1000' buffer around educational facilities:Elementary, Middle and High schools. This polygon feature class was originally created by buffering the Oakland County's Educational feature class. The key attributes include the facility Name, Address,Type (Elementary, Middle, High) and Access (Public, Private).
Description: A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from the Oakland County Tax Parcel feature class. Each parcel was categorized by its land use. When a parcel has multiple land uses, the dominant land use is shown. Assessing records and orthophotography were the main sources used to attribute each tax parcel with land use information. The data was collected in 2022. Key attributes are the land use and key pin (Sidwell number). Land Use stores the Land Use description for each parcel. The Key Pin is the unique Parcel Identification Number (Pin) used to link the parcel to the parcel attributes which are stored and maintained in Oakland County Land Records.