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snippet: The 1940 Historic Orthoimagery was derived from traditional orthophotography taken of Oakland County, Michigan. Original film negatives were cleaned, scanned, and raster digital files were created as TIF images. It is not known how the orthorectification, conversion or reprojection processes took place. This mosaic was created from a series of tiles stored in ERDAS Imagine format (IMG) in a Michigan State Plane South NAD83 International Feet projected coordinate system. Some tiles were missing from the IMG files used to create this mosaic, and one tile (XR-1A-109) did not have its respective world file. Therefore, some small gaps are present within the final dataset. The initial scale of the orthophotography is not known.
summary: The 1940 Historic Orthoimagery was derived from traditional orthophotography taken of Oakland County, Michigan. Original film negatives were cleaned, scanned, and raster digital files were created as TIF images. It is not known how the orthorectification, conversion or reprojection processes took place. This mosaic was created from a series of tiles stored in ERDAS Imagine format (IMG) in a Michigan State Plane South NAD83 International Feet projected coordinate system. Some tiles were missing from the IMG files used to create this mosaic, and one tile (XR-1A-109) did not have its respective world file. Therefore, some small gaps are present within the final dataset. The initial scale of the orthophotography is not known.
maxScale: 16515.4109189291
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS Server","Data","Image Service","Service"]
description: The 1940 Historic Orthoimagery was derived from traditional orthophotography taken of Oakland County, Michigan. Original film negatives were cleaned, scanned, and raster digital files were created as TIF images. It is not known how the orthorectification, conversion or reprojection processes took place. This mosaic was created from a series of tiles stored in ERDAS Imagine format (IMG) in a Michigan State Plane South NAD83 International Feet projected coordinate system. Some tiles were missing from the IMG files used to create this mosaic, and one tile (XR-1A-109) did not have its respective world file. Therefore, some small gaps are present within the final dataset. The initial scale of the orthophotography is not known.
title: EnterpriseOrthoBW1940ImageService
type: Image Service
url: https://gisensm3p/arcgis1
tags: ["digital orthoimagery","imageryBaseMapsEarthCover","aerial imagery","historic","digital orthophotography"]
culture: en-US
name: EnterpriseOrthoBW1940ImageService
minScale: 6.76471231239338E7
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Michigan_South_FIPS_2113_Feet_Intl