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snippet: A color infra-red photographic representation of Oakland County. The photography was collected at a photo scale of 1" = 2640', scanned, rectified and mosaiced to provide a seamless image. The imagery was not subjected to tone balancing so when viewed at small scales, inconsistent tone is apparent. The pixel resolution is 18 inches.
summary: A color infra-red photographic representation of Oakland County. The photography was collected at a photo scale of 1" = 2640', scanned, rectified and mosaiced to provide a seamless image. The imagery was not subjected to tone balancing so when viewed at small scales, inconsistent tone is apparent. The pixel resolution is 18 inches.
maxScale: 16515.4109189291
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS Server","Data","Image Service","Service"]
description: A color infra-red photographic representation of Oakland County. The photography was collected at a photo scale of 1" = 2640', scanned, rectified and mosaiced to provide a seamless image. The imagery was not subjected to tone balancing so when viewed at small scales, inconsistent tone is apparent. The pixel resolution is 18 inches.
title: EnterpriseOrthoCIR2000ImageService
type: Image Service
url: https://gisensm3p/arcgis1
tags: ["CIR","color infra red","DOP","digital orthophotography","imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"]
culture: en-US
name: EnterpriseOrthoCIR2000ImageService
minScale: 3.38235615619669E7
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Michigan_South_FIPS_2113_Feet_Intl