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Service Description: This raster dataset represents Oakland County's potential groundwater recharge areas. It was adapted (portion of Oakland County was clipped) from raster data obtained from the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan in October of 2004. Lower pixel values indicate groundwater recharge areas while higher values represent groundwater discharge areas. The dataset originated from a terrain-based approach for predicting groundwater delivery to streams and other surface water systems using mapped data within a GIS environment. The data is referred to as Darcy's Groundwater Recharge because the model used to develop it is based on the principals of Darcy's Law. Output was calculated in units of m day-1 for every 30 m2 grid cell across Lower Michigan.
Name: ImageServices/GroundWaterRecharge2004ImageService
Single Fused Map Cache: false
XMin: 1.3298809490755126E7
YMin: 333822.41826225794
XMax: 1.3475625354792237E7
YMax: 514553.68140211876
Spatial Reference: 2253
Initial Extent:
XMin: 1.3298809490755126E7
YMin: 333822.41826225794
XMax: 1.3475625354792237E7
YMax: 514553.68140211876
Spatial Reference: 2253
Full Extent:
XMin: 1.3298809490755126E7
YMin: 333822.41826225794
XMax: 1.3475625354792237E7
YMax: 514553.68140211876
Spatial Reference: 2253
Pixel Size X: 88.98634324967861
Pixel Size Y: 88.9863432495622
Band Count: 1
Pixel Type: S32
RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [{
"name": "None",
"description": "",
"help": ""
Mensuration Capabilities: Basic
Inspection Capabilities:
Has Histograms: true
Has Colormap: false
Has Multi Dimensions : false
Rendering Rule:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Copyright Text:
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric
Min Values: -13176
Max Values: 3453
Mean Values: -65.839706207582
Standard Deviation Values: 398.25798611892
Object ID Field:
Default Mosaic Method: Center
Allowed Mosaic Methods:
SortValue: null
Mosaic Operator: First
Default Compression Quality: 75
Default Resampling Method: Bilinear
Max Record Count: null
Max Image Height: 4100
Max Image Width: 15000
Max Download Image Count: null
Max Mosaic Image Count: null
Allow Raster Function: true
Allow Copy: true
Allow Analysis: true
Allow Compute TiePoints: false
Supports Statistics: false
Supports Advanced Queries: false
Use StandardizedQueries: true
Raster Type Infos:
Name: Raster Dataset
Description: Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets
Has Raster Attribute Table: false
Edit Fields Info: null
Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null
Child Resources:
Key Properties
Raster Function Infos
Supported Operations:
Export Image
Compute Histograms
Compute Statistics Histograms
Get Samples
Compute Class Statistics
Query Boundary
Compute Pixel Location
Compute Angles