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ImageServices/EnterpriseOrthoTC2008ImageService (ImageServer)

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Service Description: Oakland County is included in the Southeast Michigan Regional Orthoimagery project encompassing approximately 3613 square miles of the Detroit metropolitan area and surrounding counties. Aerial imagery was collected using an Vexcel Ultracam digital sensor. The orthoimages are composed of 4-bands (RGB and near-infrared) and are tiled to a 1500 meter x 1500 meter grid. The orthoimagery is true color with a resolution of 0.3-meter per pixel. Orthoimagery tiles were delivered in Tiff format. A total of 1170 tiles that overlap Oakland County were adjusted by USGS to mimic State Plane (2113) International Feet using a custom Python Script. The adjustment was done tile-by-tile, so some 'no data' areas exist at the edges of the tiles. All imagery was taken in the spring of 2008.

Name: ImageServices/EnterpriseOrthoTC2008ImageService

Description: Oakland County is included in the Southeast Michigan Regional Orthoimagery project encompassing approximately 3613 square miles of the Detroit metropolitan area and surrounding counties. Aerial imagery was collected using an Vexcel Ultracam digital sensor. The orthoimages are composed of 4-bands (RGB and near-infrared) and are tiled to a 1500 meter x 1500 meter grid. The orthoimagery is true color with a resolution of 0.3-meter per pixel. Orthoimagery tiles were delivered in Tiff format. A total of 1170 tiles that overlap Oakland County were adjusted by USGS to mimic State Plane (2113) International Feet using a custom Python Script. The adjustment was done tile-by-tile, so some 'no data' areas exist at the edges of the tiles. All imagery was taken in the spring of 2008.

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Extent: Initial Extent: Full Extent: Pixel Size X: 1.0225096173434622

Pixel Size Y: 1.0225096173434673

Band Count: 4

Pixel Type: U16

RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [{ "name": "None", "description": "", "help": "" }]}

Mensuration Capabilities: None

Inspection Capabilities:

Has Histograms: true

Has Colormap: false

Has Multi Dimensions : false

Rendering Rule:

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Copyright Text:

Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric

Min Values: 12026, 13395, 13100, 10380

Max Values: 62285, 62576, 62872, 60298

Mean Values: 32743.536848820557, 32728.06682307037, 30122.372753575342, 32742.286025430174

Standard Deviation Values: 4378.646838854957, 3791.1037840509516, 3544.2301235760156, 3953.8692904365275

Object ID Field: OBJECTID

Fields: Default Mosaic Method: Northwest

Allowed Mosaic Methods: NorthWest,Center,LockRaster,ByAttribute,Nadir,Viewpoint,Seamline,None


SortValue: null

Mosaic Operator: First

Default Compression Quality: 75

Default Resampling Method: Bilinear

Max Record Count: 1000

Max Image Height: 4100

Max Image Width: 15000

Max Download Image Count: 20

Max Mosaic Image Count: 20

Allow Raster Function: true

Allow Copy: true

Allow Analysis: true

Allow Compute TiePoints: false

Supports Statistics: true

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Use StandardizedQueries: true

Raster Type Infos: Has Raster Attribute Table: false

Edit Fields Info: null

Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null

Child Resources:   Info   Histograms   Statistics   Key Properties   Legend   Raster Function Infos

Supported Operations:   Export Image   Query   Identify   Download Rasters   Get Image Url   Compute Histograms   Compute Statistics Histograms   Get Samples   Compute Class Statistics   Query GPS Info   Find Images   Image to Map   Map to Image   Measure from Image   Image to Map Multiray   Query Boundary   Compute Pixel Location   Compute Angles   Validate   Project